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Top 10 American Voice Actors for Your Next Project - Headshots of Voice Crafters' top American voice actors
Top 10 American Voice Actors for Your Next Project - Headshots of Voice Crafters' top American voice actors
Siobhan Colgan 107x107
Aug 19, 2024

Top 10 American Voice Actors for Your Next Project

Voice overs are often overlooked when it comes to creating a killer ad, explainer video, or movie trailer.

But that booming baritone or sultry sound can make or break a sale faster than you can say “add to cart”.

And, come on, who hasn’t tapped shut an audiobook or felt an animated film was only just “meh!” because the VO just didn’t quite fit?

Of course, finding the right voice over actors for your project isn’t especially easy.

Particularly Stateside, where wading through the crowded talent pool feels like a job in itself.

But we’re making it simple for you right now.

Below, we’ve highlighted 10 of our top American voice actors (in no particular order) who continuously tick the boxes for clients.

No matter the type of project you have, you’ll find your VO star among this talented selection.


1. Emma O.

Many of the best voice artists find that they’re born to it.

American voice talent Emma O.

American voice talent Emma O.

That was certainly the case with Emma, who, at the tender age of two, stepped into acting only shortly after she’d actually learned to walk!

Though initially, she may have only been in it for the ice cream, she still knew some form of acting was in her future, and scooped up a BFA honors degree in acting from York University in Toronto.

However, her real calling found her some time later:

When I discovered voice acting, something clicked. I love working directly with clients to bring their stories to life. I love the collaborative aspect of VO, where everyone’s input matters.

During a VO session, I get to feel like I’m a part of the process, breathing life into words, lifting the story off the page, and making what was once only in the client’s head REAL! It’s so much fun!”

Emma O. – American Voice Talent at Voice Crafters

Bringing that fun to her work is something she regularly does, as you can see in this clip from the Netflix mega-series Stranger Things:

2. Wolf W.

American voice actor Wolf W.

American voice actor Wolf W.

For Wolf, a professional voice actor for the last 15 years, there were a few key moments in his youth that made him realize the power of his voice.

For starters, his father was a preacher, so Wolf grew up seeing the impact of the spoken word.

And yeah, he’s heard the “son of a preacher man” jokes a time or two (eye roll).

Then at 15, the vocal department head cornered Wolf and recruited him for the school choir after hearing his speaking voice.

That’s when he really started to appreciate the voice as an instrument.

And there were a couple of other times through the years that the strong timbre of his voice was pointed out to him.

It all added up—this was a job he could love and be great at.

Over the subsequent years, there were a lot of starts and stops.

Take a group class, get inspired, life happens, get distracted. Rinse and repeat. And repeat. And repeat.

But I kept it in my spirit that VO was what I wanted to do.”

Wolf W. – American Voice Talent at Voice Crafters

Since then, Wolf’s reputation has grown immensely and the work has been rolling in. Clients have included Nike, Verizon, and this pretty well-known software company below:

3. Tracy L.

American voice talent Tracy L.

American voice talent Tracy L.

For other American voice artists, VO work was a latent love – secret even to them until they got the chance to step in front of the mic.

Tracy L. knew she enjoyed reading aloud and listening to the pitch and power of different voices.

But she never assumed that these quirks concealed a real love of voice work.

However, she explains:

When I was in college, I had an internship at a local cable company and one day a producer handed me a piece of paper.

He said “You have a nice voice. Could you read this commercial?” That day I discovered my love of voiceover, but it wasn’t until 2014 that I realized I could make a career out of it!”

Tracy L. – American Voice Talent at Voice Crafters

Since then, Tracy’s neutral midwestern accent has been much sought-after by big brands and advertising companies. That’s OK with her, for as she says:

I love the flexibility of this lifestyle, the joy of showing clients how I can bring life to their scripts, and the thrill of being part of a beautiful final project! This industry is also full of kind, talented, humble people both on the talent and client side, and I am honored to continue to be part of this voiceover community!

Here’s one of the many jobs she’s recently enjoyed:

4. Darrell B.


American voice actor Darrell B.

Of course, the best American voice over artists don’t take their vocal talents for granted.

Most, like Darrell B., develop and hone their skills through ongoing training and classes.

They know that clients want top-tier talent who can use their voices in versatile ways–and often that takes time and learning.

As a top-requested VO artist, Darrell strengthens the rich, smooth voice that clients such as Google, McDonald’s, Red Bull, and Toyota adore through ongoing training with some of America’s top voice coaches.

Voice training got him into the business and he knows it’s an ace card to keeping him successful. As he explains:

“I started in VO in 2008 by taking Level 1 and 2 classes locally in Dallas, TX.

After months of training were completed, I somehow convinced my employer at the time, Gold’s Gym,  to allow me to voice their radio commercial…probably helped that they didn’t have to pay me! That was my first official studio experience.

10 years later, I was able to go full-time in 2018, and I haven’t looked back since.”

Darrell B. – American Voice Talent at Voice Crafters

Here’s a taste of Darrell’s rich, resonant voice in one of his many jobs for Disney:

5. Charlotte A.

Charlotte has also studied extensively with top teachers of the voice world.

American voice talent Charlotte A.

American voice talent Charlotte A.

Having majored in theater at the University of Southern California (USC), it was clear to her that tapping into techniques used by the experts could only help her succeed in the business.

And, boy, has it!

With major global brands such as Mastercard, Nintendo, Cinemark, and LEGO regularly leaving their calling cards, Charlotte has claimed kudos in the business for her young, friendly, and flexible-sounding voice.

Discussing her love of the job, she says:

“I was a theatre major at USC and began my career in theatre and TV – and then discovered that I could play ANY ROLE (even a talking plant or video game Princess) in voiceover and…I was hooked!

I love coming up with the perfect voice for clients’ projects – whether it’s the knowledgeable co-worker or friendly college kid – it brings a smile to my face when a client feels that I’ve helped bring their vision to life.”

Charlotte A – American Voice Talent at Voice Crafters

And she often goes that extra yard by adding in sound effects too, just as she did in this fun Affresh ad:

6. Stace C.

American voice talent Stace C.

American voice talent Stace C.

From IUH Healthcare to The Discovery Channel by way of Lavazza Coffee, having that versatility to meet the needs of diverse clients is a skill Chicago native, Stace C. has in bucketloads.

Her training in theater and Improv gave her a helping hand in this respect.

But what truly makes her talent shine is her deep belief that whether she’s recording an e-learning video or a medical narration, everything has a story

As Stace claims:

“Our voice remains one of our most powerful tools for storytelling. Connecting with people and communicating in a way that resonates with them is truly an art.

I love capturing what a writer has crafted, what a marketing team has fine-tuned, and ultimately, what matters most to the client.

I believe we’ve lost the skill of conversation in many areas of life. Incorporating genuine, relatable voices for the jobs I record in commercial advertising, e-learning, audiobooks, phone systems, and other forms of narration, brings back that human touch.

It’s always a priority for me when recording. Through voiceover, I connect with people on a personal level, and I find great joy in that.”

Stace C. – American Voice Talent at Voice Crafters

You only have to watch the ad below to see how skilfully she crafts that connection:

7. Dave P.

American voice actor Dave P.

American voice actor Dave P.

Knowing voice work is practically in your DNA is one thing.

Sustaining a career is quite another.

One of the main reasons the most successful VO actors can rack up a roll call of grade-A clients is down to their ability to bring something extra to the job.

Businesses want the listener to their IVRs, audio guides, or video games to be wholly engaged by the voices they hear, and this takes an authentic passion for the project.

That passion is what Dave P. brings to bear with each and every gig.

“Connecting with a client’s story is what makes this job amazing. Using my voice to bring to life the concepts of writers, videographers, directors, and the countless people involved in a production is a privilege.

I’m fortunate to have a voice that people find pleasant, but I’ve worked hard for over 25 years to have the confidence to go into any project and know… I can tell that story.”

Dave P. – American Voice Actor at Voice Crafters

It’s no wonder then, that clients return to Dave again and again. This includes Travel Wyoming, who find his rich and trustworthy-sounding voice perfect for their promos.

8. Maria P.

American voice talent Maria P.

American voice talent Maria P.

A stand-out ability of the best voice actors is their wide vocal range.

Without a doubt, Maria P. wonderfully exemplifies this.

With a BA in English & Theater from Binghamton University, her theater-trained voice is palpable in the many character voices and accents she’s consistently asked to do for video games and animation.

Regularly called upon by major brands for e-learning, corporate narration, podcasts, and explainer videos too, it’s her wide vocal range and love of embracing something new with each job that has kept her at the top of her game.

“I started voice acting in 2010 as an addition to my acting work in musical theatre, TV, and film, which I’ve been doing since I was 11 years old.

Right away, I fell in love with all the different types of voice work, from commercials and animation to video games and corporate projects. Every day brings something new, which keeps things exciting and fresh.

Plus, I get to connect with clients and teams from all over the world, which is really rewarding.”

Maria P. – American Voice Talent at Voice Crafters

Check out Maria’s astonishing talent in this recent singing animation she did:

9. Derek. S.

American voice actor Derek S.

American voice actor Derek S.

Another superb skill that many elite American voice artists bring to the table is their ability to know their way around a studio and appreciate the jobs of everyone involved.

For top-rated voice actor, Derek S., his years spent working as a radio station creative director and copywriter have helped him gain an edge when working on scripts with large teams from big brands and broadcasters.

He says:

“I’ve worked on “both sides of the mic”;  as a scriptwriter and producer, as well as VO artist.  So, I understand what happens in the process, from concept to creation, and approach every script with this in mind.”

Derek S. – American Voice Actor at Voice Crafters

It’s the patience and solutions he brings as well as his wonderfully sincere-sounding, deep baritone voice that makes him a popular choice with clients such as United Airlines, Porche, Ryobi Tools, Nucleus Medical Media, and more.

10. Jodi K.

American voice talent Jodi K.

American voice talent Jodi K.

The rich caliber of American voice acting talent that’s already been noted in this article highlights just how important getting the right voice talent for your project is.

But there are so many aspects to getting a VO artist that ticks all the boxes.

For award-winning voice artist Jodi K., however, one of the most important skills is being able to build a connection between a brand and its audience.

That might sound simple, but it’s not easy, and, obviously, different voices will suit different products.

Jodi’s own soothing alto has proven a perfect fit for major players such as Target, YMCA, United Healthcare, American Heart Association, Lindt, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, and Purdue University.

Plus, the fact that she can sing as well as voice act, means she’s a hot favorite for creative storytelling clients. She says:

“I think people underestimate how important the audio of their productions can be. I talk about Audio Branding on my own podcast all the time and it really is an instant and visceral way for a company to make a deeper connection with their audience and potential clients – much deeper than the look of their logo or the colors they use on their website.

Sound hits us in the heart. I love being part of that brand in sound. The voice overs I do in commercials, corporate narrations, and even intro’ing podcasts, help to let those listening know who that company or brand is in a split second.

There’s power in sound and I absolutely love putting that power to good use for my clients.”

If you’re looking for an American voice over for your visual audio project, Voice Crafters has a strong selection of top, vetted talent. 

Simply post your project on our online platform. Make sure you request custom auditions based on your script (it’s free!) to really hone in on the voice that’s right for your brand and message.

Or if you need help casting the right talent for you, drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help!

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