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English (Australian) Voice Actor Barry M.

Barry M.

Bestbewertet 24-Stunden-Lieferung Guter Wert
Englisch (Australisch)
Australia ortszeit

Native Voice-Samples

Kommerzielle Demo


I have over 35 years of experience in voiceover for radio and TV advertising, on-hold messages and voiceover for AV presentations and commentary.
Commercial advertising voiceover is not the same as it was ten years ago, even five years ago. I love making scripts come alive, creating radio spots that engage the
listener, encouraging a listener to create a mental picture of a scene or event.
I am English by birth but spent the last 40 years in Australia, so I have clear diction or an Aussie accent, deeply resonant, gruff or descriptive.
My home studio is on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia, I use Protools, and iZotope, and my microphone is a Neumann TLM103.


30+ years of voiceover for advertising both on TV and radio. I have narrated one audiobook and many narrations for land sales and building projects.
Bringing scripts to life is my aim

Unternehmen, für die ich geäußert habe

CBRE, Kathmandu, Prime Media, Nova Entertainment, Southern Cross Austereo,


Aug 7, 2023
Madeleine J.

Barry was easy to communicate with, creative, surpassed expectations, responded fast, had great audio, has a great voice, was quick to turnaround, easy to work with, friendly, responsive to direction, fast to deliver and professional. He did an amazing job. My client loved it!

Jul 11, 2023
Yasmin F.

Just perfect! Responded fast, was responsive to direction, fast to deliver, has a great voice, was quick to turnaround, easy to work with and had great audio

Jun 5, 2023
Denise M.

I loved working with Barry. He responded fast, was professional, fast to deliver, had great audio, was helpful, quick to turnaround, friendly, easy to work with, has a great voice and was easy to communicate with. I will definitely hire him for future projects.

Aug 17, 2022
Lee A.

Easy to work with. Would definitely recommend.

Feb 24, 2022
Ian K.

It was a pleasure to work with Barry for our first Voice Crafters production. We are no audio experts, so Barry's understanding and interpretation of our less than ideal feedback were fantastic, delivering what we needed with same-day turnarounds.

Jul 19, 2021
Maria P.

I really enjoyed working with you Barry. You were on brief and I will be keeping you in mind for any upcoming voice overs. Thank you :)

Stellen Sie noch heute Barry für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Barry in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Barry und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Barry frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

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Mitglied seit

November 2020

Abgeschlossene Jobs


Letzte Aktivität

vor 1 monat

Durchschn. Reaktionszeit

8 stunden

Preise beginnen bei

75 USD




UTC +10:00 Australia/Brisbane


Englisch (Australisch)


Im mittleren Alter

Spezialisiert auf Kategorien





Aug 7, 2023
Madeleine J.

Barry was easy to communicate with, creative, surpassed expectations, responded fast, had great audio, has a great voice, was quick to turnaround, easy to work with, friendly, responsive to direction, fast to deliver and professional. He did an amazing job. My client loved it!

Jul 11, 2023
Yasmin F.

Just perfect! Responded fast, was responsive to direction, fast to deliver, has a great voice, was quick to turnaround, easy to work with and had great audio

Jun 5, 2023
Denise M.

I loved working with Barry. He responded fast, was professional, fast to deliver, had great audio, was helpful, quick to turnaround, friendly, easy to work with, has a great voice and was easy to communicate with. I will definitely hire him for future projects.

Aug 17, 2022
Lee A.

Easy to work with. Would definitely recommend.

Feb 24, 2022
Ian K.

It was a pleasure to work with Barry for our first Voice Crafters production. We are no audio experts, so Barry's understanding and interpretation of our less than ideal feedback were fantastic, delivering what we needed with same-day turnarounds.

Jul 19, 2021
Maria P.

I really enjoyed working with you Barry. You were on brief and I will be keeping you in mind for any upcoming voice overs. Thank you :)

Stellen Sie noch heute Barry für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Barry in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Barry und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Barry frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

Haben Sie Fragen? Wir haben Antworten FAQ
