Hi, my name is Briana Lyn and I’m a professional English voice actor. I am also a professional singer based in LA.
I host several podcasts including “VQS Studio,” a weekly production which features Southern California music industry artists who share their personal experiences with discussion about leadership tools for influencers and entrepreneurs as well as those within the creative world of commercial recording arts. I’ve been featured on an audio book as a host, had numerous internet commercials, and have had experience working in short films and youtube short stories.
As a voice actor my voice is sincere, genuine, educational, young, and flirty.
I have extensive training and background in Logic Pro, using an Audient ID22 interface, WA 47 mic and can produce professional vocals in my home studio.
Chaque comédien fixe son propre tarif. Tous nos talents sont des professionnels, mais le coût peut varier en fonction de leur expérience et de leur niveau de compétence.
De manière générale, les tarifs de voix off dépendent :
- La voix off sera-t-elle destinée à la diffusion et aux publicités payantes, ou à une utilisation organique et non promotionnelle ?
- La longueur du script (nombre de mots).
- Avez-vous besoin d'une voix off entièrement éditée et prête pour la production, ou simplement de l'audio brut ?
- Souhaitez-vous diriger l'artiste vocal en temps réel ou peut-il enregistrer de manière indépendante ?
Many of our voice actors follow our pricing schedule, but you'll find that rates are negotiable, so if you let them know what you can afford, there's a good chance they'll accommodate you!