My name is Henrik and I'm a Norwegian voice over artist based in Oslo, Norway. I have worked as a freelance actor and voice over artist for the past 10 years. I got my start in voice over work in 2012 when I started working at SDI Media and BTI Studios in Oslo where I work with dubbing for animation and live-action on various projects. During this period, I have voiced projects for Disney Channel, Netflix, Disney Interactive Studios, The Norwegian Broadcasting Company among other clients. From 2014 I’ve worked periodically with Go Electra Production Company in Oslo and have recorded several voice overs in various genres including commercial, animation, corporate and e-learning.
I describe my voice as warm, youthful and dynamic. A voice you can use to convey your message to your target audience in a calm and patient manner.
Chaque comédien fixe son propre tarif. Tous nos talents sont des professionnels, mais le coût peut varier en fonction de leur expérience et de leur niveau de compétence.
De manière générale, les tarifs de voix off dépendent :
- La voix off sera-t-elle destinée à la diffusion et aux publicités payantes, ou à une utilisation organique et non promotionnelle ?
- La longueur du script (nombre de mots).
- Avez-vous besoin d'une voix off entièrement éditée et prête pour la production, ou simplement de l'audio brut ?
- Souhaitez-vous diriger l'artiste vocal en temps réel ou peut-il enregistrer de manière indépendante ?
Many of our voice actors follow our pricing schedule, but you'll find that rates are negotiable, so if you let them know what you can afford, there's a good chance they'll accommodate you!