
Free AI Transcription Tool

Transcribe your audio and video content in any language, to multiple formats, quickly, and with human-like accuracy!

Use our FREE AI transcription tool to transcribe up to 30 minutes of audio and/or video assets quickly and accurately! Our tool currently supports 57 languages and has a WER (word error rate) of just ...

Use our FREE AI transcription tool to transcribe up to 30 minutes of audio and/or video assets quickly and accurately!

Our tool currently supports 57 languages and has a WER (word error rate) of just 8%!

To use our free tool:

  1. Upload your media file/s or paste a link to your media files below.
  2. Our system will automatically detect the audio or video’s language and compute its length.
  3. Download the transcript in the format/s of your choice.

You also can view your transcription online and edit it on this page before downloading it to a format of your choice.

Learn more about our tool’s features here.

Upload (or drag & drop) Video / Audio files
Select File/s
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Drag & Drop file here
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( Direct Link, Google Drive, Dropbox, Wetransfer )
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Your transcription history will appear here.

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Select Files

Transcribe your files for free. Maximum 30 minutes per file.

0 files selected
Minutes: 00:00



Question: What languages do you support?

We currently support the following languages:

Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Maori, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Welsh.

Question: Can I transcribe files in multiple languages


You can upload multiple files in different languages. They will each be transcribed in their respective language.

You can also upload files containing speech in multiple languages. The transcription files will contain these multiple languages.

Question: What file types can I transcribe?

You can upload and transcribe audio or video files in the following formats:

 .mkv, .3gp, .ogg, .mov, .m4v, .ogv, .f4v, .avi, .asf, .mts, mpeg, webm, mp4, wmv, .flv, .rm, .mpg, .vob, .m2ts, .mxf, .ts, .wv, .voc, .tta, .rm, .opus, .ogg, .oga, .flac, .eac3, .au, .aiff, .ac3, .adts, .spx, .caf

Question: What file formats can I download the transcripts in?

You can download your transcript in the following file formats:

SubRip (.srt)

WebVTT (.vtt)

Transcript (.txt)

Scenarist (.scc)

Timed Text (.ttml)

DFXP (.dfxp)

Spruce Subtitle File (.stl)

EBU (.ebu.stl)

Cheetah.CAP (.cap)

MacCaption (.mcc)

Quicktime Timed Text (.qt.txt)

Facebook-Ready SubRip (.srt)

Avid DS Subtitle File (.txt)

Avid DVD Subtitle File (.txt)

Question: How long does it take to transcribe files?

The speed at which your file is transcribed depends on multiple parameters, but generally speaking, a one-hour file can be transcribed within about 3-5 minutes.

Question: Can I edit the text in the transciption?


Simply place your cursor where you wish to make edits. They will be automatically saved and appear in the file you download.

Question: How accurate are the transcriptions?

The most common metric used to assess transcription quality in AI Transcription systems is WER (Word Error Rate).

Generally speaking, the accuracy of transcriptions depends on the quality of the audio and the language spoken.

On average, the system’s WER is approx. 8%.