Professional voice actor, absolute speed, has assisted me until the end of the project and within a matter of hours, I had my voic…
Paul was superb right from the start. He has a great voice, was quick to turnaround, easy to communicate with, friendly, easy to w…
Yuri O.
John is always punctual, professional, and easy to work with. I've had him record a number of voiceovers for me and have never bee…
Graham B.
Akira delivers a great read — with technical scripts that require a brisk read to localize an English translation, he has nailed…
Christopher C.
I received glowing reviews for Diana's work from everyone involved in our video project. You can expect professionalism plus perso…
Scott P.
B2B marketing requires a strong mix of different types of content, and video is among the most important elements. In fact, tech B2B buyers report that video is...