Our clients loved working with Maria! She was super professional, super friendly, and brought great energy and creativity to the s…
Shaun K.
Helen had the perfect friendly but formal voice for our project. She was very prompt in getting work and feedback back to me. Will…
Neil L.
Dervla was great to work with. She responded fast, has a great voice, was fast to deliver, professional, creative, easy to work wi…
Yuri O.
Guidong turned around a difficult corporate script that was created through automation and made it sound right. He was prompt, pro…
Christoph G.
Richard delivered a perfect audio file for our project. We feel lucky to be working with him. He always puts 100% of his energy in…
Ozgur S.
Anthony was a pleasure to work with. Professional, Fast, and flexible!
Looking forward to using his skills again!
Ramon D.
I loved working with Dervla. She was easy to work with, friendly, has a great voice, responded fast and had great audio. I can't w…
Yuri O.
Brand awareness is the foundation for ensuring your product or service can step up and capture market attention. But after you’ve developed your offering, put i...