I loved working with Dervla. She was easy to work with, friendly, has a great voice, responded fast and had great audio. I can't w…
Yuri O.
Paul was superb right from the start. He has a great voice, was quick to turnaround, easy to communicate with, friendly, easy to w…
Yuri O.
Christian is the ultimate professional! Looking forward to working more together on French VO projects. Thanks!
Dervla was great to work with. She responded fast, has a great voice, was fast to deliver, professional, creative, easy to work wi…
Yuri O.
Great voice, easy to work with, professional recording, friendly, good communication, on time delivery and fast response. Would de…
Andrea S.
Once again an outstanding job from Daniel. Flawless audio, great communication and setting of expectations, and fast turnaround. …
David F.
Jessica is an absolute dream. Extremely professional in communicating and clarifying project requirements, and delivers to the hi…
Kylie J.
Two of the most popular accents used for commercial spots are British and American English. Both of these accents can be used to great effect, and each has its ...