John is always punctual, professional, and easy to work with. I've had him record a number of voiceovers for me and have never bee…
Graham B.
Una excelente profesional que te ofrece multiples registros. Trato fluÃdo. amable y rápido. Un trabajo de calidad al más alto nivel.
Jaime G.
John always does a superb job, going above and beyond to make sure that we (and in turn our clients) are getting a great-quality V…
Graham B.
Andrea is very easy to work with and professional. She has good pacing and knows exactly how to put the right emphasis in the righ…
Alexandre L.
Adam did a fantastic job with our script and took direction very well. He was responsive, friendly, and a pleasure to work with.
Graham B.
It was a real pleasure working with Angeli! She is very professional and understands direction. Also, her voice is very versatile …
Camila R.
Anthony responded fast, was friendly, easy to communicate with, creative and has a great voice. He did a great job and the client loved it!
Jaime G.
In this article, we’ll take a close look at the role of voice acting in marketing. By the end, you'll be ready to start searching for the perfect voice actor to...