Discover the history of voice acting and the difference between voice overs and other types of voice recordings. We'll also cover the current state of the indus...
Today, voice assistants can do almost anything. We can now order groceries, buy tickets to the movie theater, and even sign up for piano classes. Let’s explore ...
If you're looking to direct a voice actor remotely, you may be wondering how to approach the recording session. Let's take a look at some of the most effective ...
Medical narration is most often intended for healthcare audiences such as doctors, medical students, and hospital employees. Let’s take a look at some of the ke...
Becoming a voice actor is undoubtedly more accessible than ever. In this article, we’ll explain what voice actors do and how to start a career in the voiceover ...
More and more buyers are using digital real estate platforms to find their homes. To get people interested, you need an enticing video tour that gives viewers a...
You're probably familiar with dubbing — the process of adding or replacing dialogue in a movie or video production. Dubbing is often used to localize content fo...
If you’ve never worked with voice actors before, you may not know where to start. We're here to walk you through the 7 most important things to do when seeking ...
How can you hire the perfect voice actor — especially when there are so many people out there claiming to be experts? What qualities should you prioritize when ...